Czech Sport Aircraft

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just wondered if anyone would know about new prop that is to improve cruise 4-6 knts, how hard and how much to install. it costs 3600 and wonder if it is worth it.

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I've had the Sensenich prop on since October. I do see about 5 kts improvement, but your installation may vary. It is a much 'stiffer' prop and the reduced flex seems to provide a smoother ride. My home airport has unimproved taxi ways so the Woodcomp was suffering with nicks from small stones. The metal edge from the Sensenich is holding up well.

thanks for the info and glad its working out well for you. sounds to me it would be a good investment and increase resale value in the future.

Dave, I was wondering what shim setting you are using 3,4,or 5

3. My RPM just doesn't handle any courser pitch. My little airport needs the full 4900 RPM and any thing higher than a 3 degrades that.

On the 3 setting , my engine seemed to over rev. Great climb, but slower than the old wood comp prop
What kind of speed do you get at cruise , and what rpm is cruise? I've heard several differnt opinions so I wondered what u use. Thanks

The real answer is: it all depends. However for a Speed check: 6500' and 5450 RPM yielded 115+ kts. The ROTAX likes to run, so if I'm actually going somewhere (not just bouncing around the local patch) 5350-5400 RPM and get 110+ kts. This is about 5kts faster than I got with the Woodcomp. Some folks say I'm a tad slow, but I get there eventually.

This video is my latest speed check:

New Sensenich spinner and prop not only work great but look great as well.  Vibration at low RPM base to final are substantially reduce (after balancing) and both climb rate and cruise speed are increased...climb by 100 to 150 fpm and a cruise by 2 to 4 knots.  LOA is available from the CZA.

A bit on the expensive side but can be done simply, cleanly and with all the appropriate paperwork.

My Costs:

Prop & Spinner - $3,495

Shipping to NJ - $35

LOA - $200

A&P Install - $412

thanks for the reply. my plane is a red and white sportcruiser classic and am getting the white with red tip propellor too. i think with increase performance and sporty looks of this propellor, the market value of the plane increases as well to help offset additional cost.

One thing I didn't mention, it is a far better prop in quality of construction and with the metal leading edges, much more durable.  Good luck and if you have any questions, get in touch.

Has anyone tried or heard about the two blade prop?

No....can't say I have.  Although I did talk with the people at Van's who make the RV-12 recently and they have equipped their SLSA with a two blade prop.  They said that when they tried the 3 blade, it didn't make any difference with the Rotax 100 HP engine.  The 3 blade might be a bit smoother from what I hear....more balanced so less vibration I guess.  You might want to Call Sam Huff at US Sport Aircraft (972) 735-9099 to begin this inquiry.


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