Czech Sport Aircraft

Welcome Czech Sport Aircraft Owners, Flyers and Builders!

hello friends, Many of you don't know me so I will introduce myself. I joined the group a few months back and have recently taken delivery of a new PiperSport S/N 004. For yeard I have been writing articles on the Piper Cherokees' for Piper Flyer Magazine. Starting with the ASugust Issue I will be writing articles about the Piper Sport and would like to send you a complimentary copy. If you will please email me ( your mailing address I send you a copy of the first isue about my experience with the Piper Sport. I hope to hear frome each and every member.


Happy flying,



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Hello Dick, welcome to the PiperSport!
I'm a SportCruiser owner and a PiperSport dealer in Fresno California. We love our SC and look forward to a good relationship with Piper around the PiperSport. We have a few people renting our SportCruiser and it has flown all around California, Nevada, Colorado, Arizona and New Mexico. I've learned a lot about the Dynon systems and recently completed the 120 hour LSRM-A course here in California. I'll send you a note with name/address etc.
Best regards,
Dave Bonnar
Thank you.
i look forward to hearing from you.

I am still curious to hear about the true cruise airspeeds and prop settings you are seeing on this plane! - WF
Wayne - some of the figures as given in the US are slightly 'sales orientated' - we publish figures here which are equal to expectations (eg realistically a cruise speed around 100 Kts is good), and there are also sample POH documents online which give you a very good idea - have a look at and as well as for our take on this.

Hope this helps.

I have been flying the PiperSport at 5300 RPM +/- 50 RPM and continuously see 108-110 knots True Airspeed.

This is running quite close to max continuous RPM of 5500 RPM - whilst everyone's needs vary, you may find it kinder to the engine & better and for fuel consumption to throttle back a bit. Here in the UK around 4600-4800 RPM tends to a more popular cruise setting.

Part of all of this is a difference in the definition of 'Cruise Speed' though - here in UK it is generally percieved to be a good compromise between speed & economy & a speed you can fly around at all day.

In the USA, Cruise speed seems to equate to max level speed (ie throttle firewalled) - so I guess this all depends on your definition of the term!

Hello Ben,
I can't argue with what you say about the RPM and fuel consumption. I have a feeling that the flyers overseas are a little more laidback where here in the US we all seem to be in a hurry. When I spoke with Rotax they said that I could run the engine all day long at 5300 RPM and it wouldn't hurt a thing other than burn more fuel. In fact they indicated the engine likes the higher RPM's. Since most of my flying is for traveling and the trips are small cross country (100 to 200 miles) I like to get there as fast as I can. I guess it is just a Yankee thing. I do appreciate your comments and I will try the lower RPM's and see how that works out.
Keep in touch,
Yes please (Sydney Australia)


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