Has anyone found a way to cool the cockpit when it is hot and humid? I have the sun shade and it helps, but when on the ground or flying below 2,000 agl it is still very warm even with the vents open.
Hi Bob - nice 'Sport you've got there in your hanger. Re Cooling - you can nearly double the airflow into the aircraft by fitting the air scoops that US Sport Aircraft produce - details of these are at http://www.ussportaircraft.com/uploads/AirScoops.doc - very effective by all accounts if you're in a nice warm climate. To buy a set (approx $150 I seem to remember) contact Don on 772-464-3148 & say that Ben @ CSA UK Says hi!
When taxing, we use a roll of paper shop towels to hold the canopy open at a crack. We bought an ice-chest fan driven cooler but don't think it's worth very much. Our factory SportCruiser came with air intake scoops.