Czech Sport Aircraft

Welcome Czech Sport Aircraft Owners, Flyers and Builders!


does anybody know if the SportCruiser quick build kit is still available (regarding the situation with the new PiperSport)? I'm considering building it but couldn't find any up-to-date information in the web.

Best regards,

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Hi Oliver

When I visited CzechSportAircraft in March to make arrangements for the delivery of the SportCruiser ordered by our flying club some months ago they told me that they are at least for the foreseeable future concentrating fully on manufacturing the PiperSport for Piper. Neither kits nor ready to fly planes marketed as SportCruisers are therefore beings sold at the moment. They did not rule out selling kits again in some unspecified time, but there is no guarantee for that. Sorry to give you this answer, for more details you might direct your question directly to the factory.

Kind regards


(my kit will fly soon...)

Sorry, no simple MTOM adjustment in sight - ignorance the Czech way. This is the way CSA works aparently. Proof available on request. Start with throwing out the heavy battery, and install one of the very light ones, ... as common with EAS (Experimentla Aviation of Switzerland) Rotax powered planes.

Thumbs up - and Fly Safe!

Hoi Oliver,

Bernhard's reply is correct I'm afraid. But then, CSA is not the only aircraft manufacturer looking for money - so give a try face to face, and don't tell anybody...


PS. I an no longer involved with CSA, and never was with PiperSport., With the commercialization of Ning, I will consider dropping the forum here anyway, unless CSA or Piper Sport Dsitribution LLC is willing to cover efforts and expenses.
Hi Bernhard, hi Kurt,

thank you for your answers. I tried to contact the factory directly via and but didn't get a reply.
In my decision matrix I have to mark unfortunately the availability of my favourite SportCruiser with a "-" :-(

Best regards,
A few hours after my posting here I got an answer from the factory - it seems my inquiries were catched by their spam filter.
The official statement verifies Bernhard's reply:

Dear Mr. Saal

Thank you for your interest.
At this time we do not offer the QBK, may be in future we will do it.


Vojtěch Tůma
Sales Manager


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