Czech Sport Aircraft

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Anyone have any idea what equipment the factory is going to approve for United States ADS-B Out compliance in the Sport Cruiser, especially for those of us with the Dynon EFIS 100 and EMS 120?

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I am also very interested in an adsb out solution for my sport cruiser. US Sport Aircraft said it was being worked on. Looks like there are several very expensive solutions from Garmin as well as a couple of other companies but I am not sure how this works with any specific approval for use from CSA. It gets even more expensive when you consider ADSB in if you have the Garmin 696 with the Dynon 100/120. Sure would like some information and direction this is taking. It would be a shame to spend several thousand dollars to comply with ADSB out and not have the benefit of ADSB in but at some point it is cost overload for a VFR s-lsa aircraft.

I have the ADSB from Dynon Class 1 SV-XPNDR-261is approved for the USA. For ADSB in I bought the Dynon SV-ADSB-470 for $950.

Thanks for the information. What WAAS GPS input will you use for the transponder to meet 2020 compliance requirements? Neither the Garmin 696 or 796 meets the standard so it looks like another GPS that is panel mounted and WAAS capable may have to be installed in my case. That will be quite an expense. Looks like ADSB in is achieved more easily but I will have to get rid of my Garmin 696 and go to the 796 if I want to have full interface with the Dynon autopilot and other Dynon functionality. More expense.

I was not aware I needed any other GPS. I have the 696 installed. I have not had the the Dynon ADSB 470 installed yet as I just received it from Dynon. My Dynon  x261 transponder is 2020 compliant. According to what my SC dealer told me my SC was compliant for the ADSB out requirements. He said to be compliant for ADSB - IN all I needed to add was the Dynon 470

As I read the FAA requirements, Don Drysdale is correct.  The Out signal has to be based on a TSO'd WAAS GPS and there is no hand held that meets that requirement.  Freeflight Systems has a model 1201 WAAS GPS that is mounted behind the panel and would do the job when coupled with the Dynon x261  or the Garmin330 (with ES modification) transponder.  My tentative plan is to install the Free Fight 1201 solely to drive the ADS-B out signal from my Garmin 330 and to continue to use my Garmin 495 as my in-cockpit GPS display.  Kind of expensive (the 1201 is about US$3,000). Cannot do that now because we still have no guidance from the factory as to what they will approve.

The interesting wrinkle for those of us who live in Hawaii is that we have no WAAS signal out here in the middle of Pacific and apparently none planned.  Numerous queries to the FAA about what they plan to do about WAAS in Hawaii  (and installing ADSB here) have gone unanswered.

Thanks for the information. If that be the case I need to make other plans to be compliant then. However I have the Dynon Skyveiw system which according to Dynon and my SC dealer is ADSB compliant. All I needed to do to receive ADSB traffic and weather was add the Dynon ADSB-470. The Skyview has the waas GPS built in.

I have the Garmin 696 and Dynon Skyveiw GPS.

 Nice to talk to a SC owner in HI.  I just happen to be in Maui right now on vacation.

Sounds like Skyview has the required GPS output for ADSB out.  Those of us from the prehistoric Dynon 100/120 days will have to look for another solution.


The rules change almost semi-annually. What will actually be required in 2020 is still uncertain. You have a great setup now. Dynon says they are ready to pounce with a WAAS capable module to make everything work... when they know exactly what THAT is. I wouldn't worry about it, for now. Let's let the market work this out.


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